⭕ *WHY STAMP ON HeForShe?* 
 *HEFORSHE / He for She,* is a SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT for advancement of gender equality initiated by the UN in 2014.
It seeks to *involve men and boys in achieving* gender equality by taking action.
👆 *IT'S LOGO (see the White and pink bars in the stamp??)* 
represents the union of women and men working together to achieve gender equality. _It is created by joining both the female ♀ and male symbols ♂ together._ 
When launching the movement in 2014, Global Goodwill Ambassador EMMA WATSON delivered an address at UN HQ in New York, which went viral and has 3.8 million views on YouTube.
👍🏻HeForShe shows the need for male allyship, as *studies show 257 more years will be necessary to close the gender gap!!* Only commitment of men with power and privilege can be a major factor for gender equality.
👆 *THE ABOVE STAMP was released to* commemorate International Women’s Day of 2016 by President of India, Pranab Mukherjee. *The stamp is with half of man’s face on a 5-rupee stamp and half of woman’s face on a 25-rupee stamp.* 
DR LUCKY S KASAT Consultant Pediatric Surgeon | TEDx Speaker 
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