ЁЯФеWe only know about Dr Ambedkar as Father of our Constitution, but SIR Benegal N Rau IS *AN UNSUNG ARCHITECT OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION!* _He was responsible for the general structure of Constitution_ and *prepared its initial draft* by Oct 1947 as CONSTITUTIONAL ADVISOR TO CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA (formed in 1946).
ЁЯФе *It was his draft that was* debated & revised by the drafting committee! So, he is the unsung architect of Constitution.
тП░я╕П *TIMELINE of making our Constitution:*
1. Oct 1947 - Feb 1948: Once draft was prepared by Sir Rau, it was discussed by Drafting Committee headed by Dr Ambedkar.
2. Mar - Oct 1948: Revised 1st draft thrown open to citizens of India for next 8 months to propose amendments.
3. 4 Nov 1948: 2nd draft prepared and introduced (1st reading).
4. Nov 48 - Oct 1949: Clause by clause debate of draft for a year by Constituent Assembly!
5. Nov 1949: 3rd draft prepared after all amendments were finalized.
6. 26 Nov 1949: Finally adopted by Constituent Assembly of India, celebrated as _Samvidhan Diwas._
ЁЯСНЁЯП╗As part of his research in drafting the Constitution, in 1946, Sir Rau traveled to US, Canada, Ireland, and UK, where he personally consulted with judges, scholars, and authorities on constitutional law.
тнХHe also helped draft *the constitution of Burma in 1947!*
ЁЯСПHe was one of the *foremost Indian jurists of his time,* Indian civil servant, diplomat and statesman. He *revised the entire Indian statutory code ,* WAS KNIGHTED (1938) and became judge of Bengal High Court at Calcutta. Until his death, he was a judge of International Court of Justice at The Hague.
ЁЯСЖHe also representated India to the United Nations Security Council for 2 years.
*Dr Lucky S Kasat* Consultant Pediatric Surgeon | TEDx Speaker | Bestseller Author _('Decode Your Zen Leadership on Amazon)_